Fix OTRS compatibility problems with Internet Explorer via Active Directory GPO

OTRS4 just works with Firefox and Chrome/Chromium but I had a lot of trouble trying to allow people that use Microsoft Internet Explorer to work with OTRS.

Pietro Forti on flickr

Why? Because IE forces by default Compatibility View mode for Intranet web sites and – of course – OTRS is in my company Intranet. With this option forced by IE, OTRS don’t work. I don’t want to go deeper why IE uses Compatibility View mode for Intranet, it’s something legacy and crazy, but a solution exists (or at least works for me now). Continue reading “Fix OTRS compatibility problems with Internet Explorer via Active Directory GPO”

Configure OTRS to process multiple Tickets in email Subject

Postfix email relay
Postfix email relay

OTRS Help Desk is an open source application (with Enterprise support) that has a lot of useful features: ITSM, Surveys, Time Accounting and System monitoring.

I use it on my company as a Service Desk for Security purposes (and more).
As you can read from our Success Story one of the feature we currently appreciate is the ability to track all the email exchanges into tickets simply putting ticket number in email Subject end CCing the proper configured email address. This allow us to interact with external parties without the need for other people to access our OTRS istance.  Continue reading “Configure OTRS to process multiple Tickets in email Subject”